Thursday, December 15, 2011

Community service

This is something that few people lack to do I have noticed. Community service is something that is beneficial for the community, it helps those around you to see that there are people in the world that will help in anyway that is possible. There are people that do community service very often and they love to do this. doing Community service I have been able to see the happiness in those faces that appreciate the help that you are offering. I was able to offer services to an elderly home called Village Oaks. There I help them play Bingo and served ice cream to them one time as well. Those who were there were very well they loved to talk to you and they enjoyed the smiles that were given. To make things more interesting we would have them bring in a quarter and for every game that they would win they would receive one of the quarters that were brought in. There were competitions on whose team could win the mast games, and at the end of the Bingo time that table would be declared "the lucky table." Those who would show up to the Bingo always looked forward to it they enjoy seeing new faces and being able to have a different thing to do everyday.

The thing that changes the most is that people...aren't there forever. Just at my last visit one of our regular Bingo players didn't show up and we just assumed that she was taking a nap and didn't realize what time it was. Once when the hour was up and we were about to leave when we talked with one of the leaders at Village Oaks and she told us that the woman who didn't show up had just passed away. Its something to think about that they people that you help may not always be there the next day so those that you help or want to help, you should and make sure that you bring back something that you learned about from it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Judicial Branch

In this article they are talking about how some protestors have been exercising their right in protesting and letting their voice be heard. What they have been doing is fine because they have been marching and have demonstrations and ways to be heard. Although there have been a case in New York when some protestors started to occupy a public area and it became a problem because those who wanted to go that place were not allowed in unless they were apart of the protesting. It was hard to figure out who was in the right in the cases those who were protesting or the government. Because the people have a right to protest but it does need to be reasonable protesting.

This article shows how even in the simplest of things there is still arguing and trying to figure out the Amendments in the Constitution. There is always changing to the Constitution and adjusting to how we live. This relates to the unit we are learning by how, we are setting the example for other countries who are trying to make constitutions and use that for their country, but like always there are many changes that will be made as the years go on.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Arizona Government

In January of 2011 the Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, made a motion to bring up the education level in the State of Arizona. The plan is a much more solid plan, than ever before. The education plan is a way to learn more things, and it will change the way that eduction in the State of Arizona in such a way that it will help all students in anyway that is needed. This is not something that will change in just a few cities, but it will be a long process to change all of Arizona's education. A process that will take until 2020 till it is in full action. The percent of those who graduate from high school will be from 75% to about 93%. 

This relates to our units because as they had changed all then we are changing a lot now as well. The neat thing about it is that its not just in the government it is in the schools and in our jobs. Anywhere we go there is some form of change that is going on, in any state or city, and it all ends up benefiting country.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Judicial Branch

In this article they are talking about how the 11th Court of Appeals decided that Congress was going too far with its authority to pass the individual mandate.  "Chief Judge Joel Dubina and Circuit Judge Frank Hull, found that lawmakers cannot require residents to "enter into contracts with private insurance companies for the purchase of an expensive product from the time they are born until the time they die." (2nd paragraph of the article)  They continue to say that the Congress' power has slowly started to grow over the past 2 centuries. normally the Congress has the authority to create rules that deal with larger areas in the national economy.

This relates to the unit we are studying by how President Jefferson believed by having too many Federalists in the Congress it would start to shift the balance of power in the US. this was why the President decided to disregard all of the signed commissions, and not send them out so that way the power that was at a balance was not overturned to just one branch, but be able to stay the same in all of them. 

Judicial Branch

Jonathan Lippman was the selected chief judge of the State of New York Court of Appeals in 2009. As far as his career in the Courts goes he has been able to turn the Court of Appeals into a more divided and liberal panel. When he wants to get the rulings that he desires, he has built alliances in each case, that he has received, with the four judges who were nominated by George E. Pataki, the last Republican governor. Lippman was on a panel to be appointed a lieutenant governor. The vote was passed and he was then the first lieutenant governor in New York State. In 2011 Lippman suggested the idea of adoption of a measure, which is to stop the number of elected judges from hearing cases about lawyers and others who make major changed to their campaigns. The proposal is possibly going to change how the courts are and transform the judicial elections, by being able to take out the cases that are not contributing to the courts.

This article relates to the unit we are studying by the similarities. In the things that we are studying now (like Murbary v. Madison) it is talked about how Murbary went to try and get his commissions that were never sent to him.  Even though the Sectary of State would not allow him to the commissions, he still fought for it. In the end he did lose, but if he had been able to get those commissions he might have been a help to the Senate, though the President must have seen that he was not qualified and he lost. 

Monday, October 3, 2011


About 81% of Americans are dissatisfied by the way the government is being ran. Most of those that disagree are both Democrats, and Republicans. They are both dissatisfied by the way the political government is split up. Democrats are in control of the White House and the U.S. senate, while the republicans are in control of the house of Representatives. So when disagreements come up there is always faults that are being found in the other parties rather then in their own. There is constant arguing from both sides rather then fixing the things that need to be fixed.  

This relates to our unit by how the government is set up. There is an equal separation in the government which should help keep our country afloat. The reason there is a separation of the government is so that way there is a way to get things done and being able to take care of things for the country. To do this though, the government needs to work well together, and if they can't. then the country is in for some hurting.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Legislative Branch

In this article there is arguing about who will get the blame for the problems in the United States, Congress or the President.  The Congress is hoping that the people will blame to President even though he offers a change in politics. The President is trying to say that the taxes will change and everything will turn out alright if you vote for him.  the only problem is that about 100% of Republicans is against this idea and that wont help his votes.

This applies to our unit because of the law making and push for something new. When the constitution was being written people would argue about how it should go and shouldn't. As the writing went on they were able to work out the differences and the Constitution was born. Here there are argument that are being made and a decision need to be made so that way it will benefit the country as a whole and not just certain parties. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Executive branch

Obama has had a primary focus on the growing education of our country. He has set goals for our country to be more efficient in our education.There are statistics that say that there are over a million students that drop our of High School and dont go on to college. Those students turn into teenage parents or those that commit crimes. the goverment wants to make those statistics go away so that way our country can benefit from it.

This applies to our unit because with the creation of our country we had supporting leaders that wanted the best for our country. Now it is our turn to do something to benefit those in our country by raising the bar of standards where everyone graduates high school and are able to to something to help our country grow.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Executive Branch

This article is saying how the President wants to start a plan in helping the Americans getting jobs, by this he will cut payroll taxes. This will encourage employees and employers to be rewarded for their hard work. Payroll taxes often prevent workers payment Reducing the taxes cause risk to the tax system that is in action now. It invalidates  upon using the loan from Congress cause our countries debt to increase. President Obama revealed his plan in his speech to the joint congress.

This relates to the unit that we are studying because the law makers find that the American Jobs Act will assist Americans in their rights for employment. reducing taxes commits argument that excels in our work industry. When the Declaration of Independence was written it was intended to change for modern purposes. Perhaps the Recession can conclude that Obama's plan can be validated by congress.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Preamble of the United States.

The Preamble the The United States of America basically states the we will aim for a perfect union and fair justice for everyone that lives in the United States. Our founders made this Constitution so that we may live by it and be able to know that we have rights when we live in this land.

This relates to our unit because those who lived under the rule of King John had very little rights. they had to deal with how the King treated them and then as the years went on they began to slowly gain some power and in their own say in how they think the country should be ran. as they gained more power they began to shape the country without the rule of the King. Now in the time we live in today we have our own we that we live and we have our rights which come for the beginning of the Constitution,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Federal Government Current event

       In this article it starts off by saying that President Obama and the Congress making changes to the budget, for 2011. At the beginning of the year the government was close to a shut down so that a budget for the United States could be figured out. There was much debating about how the budget would be, and how the action would take place. Mr. Obama suggested that a "clean" bill be laid out that would reduce the deficits by $4 trillion. This action would take over 10 years to take care of the spending cuts. As the conversation went on there the deadline was reaching a close so the decision need to take place. Finally a compromise was made The President and the Congress reached an agreement that would raise the debt up to $2,4 Trillion. this would be enough to keep borrowing into 2013. The pact for this amount would be used in spending cuts over the next 10 years. 

        This article relates to the unit that we are studying now by not how John Locke's beliefs were but how they are the opposite of how he thought. Locke saw that we needed to live in a way that we could look after ourselves, but the way that this budget has been handled shows how our leaders are able to take care of ALL of us. Its hard with that much pressure having to worry about the budget and keeping America afloat, and our leaders are doing that in the best way possible. Locke's idea was that we would live off natural rights, we have taken some of the aspects but have left behind others. If we were able to be a smaller country those Rights might work but since we live in such a large country we have had to make do with what we have. The effects on America with this new budget will end up being answered once the end of this years comes.